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Clutter over a long period of time can turn your room into a depression room. According to a study, clutter can have a negative impact on your mental health, and hoarders are more likely than OCD sufferers to experience depression related to mess.

We underestimate the impact of our surroundings on our mental health. Imagine the difference between residing in a cluttered, disorganized environment and one that is clean, tidy, and well-organized. In contrast to the second, the first is more likely to leave you feeling calm, secure, and in control.

We become anxious in cluttered environments for a reason. The human brain can only take in and process a certain amount of information from the environment, despite how amazing it is. It can be difficult for the brain to process everything at once when there are so many sights, sounds, smells, and other sensations vying for our attention.


According to a UCLA study, women who live in cluttered homes have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their bodies, which is linked to chronic stress, anxiety, and depression.

A messy home can sometimes be the result of simple carelessness or a lack of time, but it can also be an indication of underlying mental health problems. Messy homes are frequently the result of fatigue, hopelessness, and difficulty concentrating, all of which are signs of depression.

Why is a messy room called depression room

A messy bedroom is not unusual. A busy schedule can cause chores to accumulate. However, if you’re usually organized, a messy room can occasionally turn into a depression room. That can be an indication of something more serious.

That is, you finish that Netflix series while letting the dirty dishes sit for an hour or two. However, allowing the dishes to accumulate for days (or even weeks) on end can cause feelings of being overwhelmed and may even be linked to mental health issues.

According to research from 2020, depression and unkempt rooms are related. A lack of motivation that results in an untidy environment is one of the symptoms of depression. In a 2016 study, researchers discovered a direct link between hoarders’ clutter and depression.

That is also the reason why people often call depression room. But how does depression affect clutter, how does clutter affect depression, and can messiness prolong depressive episodes?

A Sign of Depression

Even if you don’t fit the criteria for a depression diagnosis, your living space may naturally reflect how stressed, overwhelmed, or unhappy you are in specific areas of your life.

Consequently, depression room can start to damage your mental health, and studies suggest that it might make it more difficult for you to form strong social bonds. It can also be challenging to clean up because depression also manifests as a lack of energy and difficulty focusing.

In addition, if within two weeks, almost every day, you experience at least 4 of the following symptoms, you should seek medical help:

  • Insomnia or constant sleep.
  • Agitated or sluggish.
  • Fatigue or loss of strength.
  • Feelings of worthlessness, worthlessness, or guilt.
  • Decreased ability to concentrate, hesitation.
  • Constantly thinking about death, having suicidal thoughts or behavior.

Symptoms of depression in children and adolescents:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Aggressive, agitated behavior
  • Sleep disorders
  • There are discomforts, complaints about the body
  • Loss of energy
  • Bored of studying or poor at studying?
  • Some children become aloof, apathetic

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Does having a messy room make you more depressed?

There appears to be a connection between depression and unkempt living quarters. But does having a bedroom full of laundry make symptoms worse? According to Teresa, different people react differently to messiness.

“Some people can be quite at ease with the mess. Others may feel completely out of character and only live in a mess when they are having a depressive “episode”

Clutter makes it hard for us to relax, creates guilt, and constantly signals that our work is never done. Other times, you can create awkwardness because you didn’t invite guests to attend. You feel ashamed of the mess you created and you feel powerless to improve.

Depression room can also cost you time and money. It will take you a considerable amount of time to find your items. Over time, these problems can escalate to the point of affecting your mental health.

Why do some depressed people have messy rooms?

Concentration, self-care, and getting things done can be challenging when suffering from depression. When you have depressive symptoms, it can be difficult to keep up with tasks like cleaning or laundry.

Maintaining a clean living space may be one of the many things that living with depression makes feel extremely difficult to do, according to Gaby Teresa. Depression room is a result of this case.

Would you feel better if you cleaned your room?

While organizing a disorganized space won’t make you feel better, you do have some control over your personal space. It can be empowering and help with some symptoms to clean your room.

Start by taking action and getting rid of any rubbish; by doing this, you’ll have the physical and mental space you need to choose better options for your day.

Depression room: Final Thoughts

People who are depressed frequently live in untidy environments. This is because it can be challenging to stay on top of routine tasks like tidying when you’re experiencing feelings of helplessness, low energy, and lack of motivation. Both physical and mental health can be harmed by clutter, which is frequently a sign of deeper problems that require resolution.

To improve your quality of life, it’s important to start slowly decluttering your room and seek the assistance of the doctor. Transform your depression room into a hope room, recommended by Depression Open Talks!


Fletcher, S. (2021, November 11). Messy Room Depression: 8 Answers About Messiness And Mental Health. Sandstone Care. Retrieved August 22, 2022, from https://www.sandstonecare.com/blog/messy-room-depression-8-answers-about-messiness-and-mental-health#anchor-2

The Link Between Depression and a Messy Room. (2022, May 6). Alta Loma. Retrieved August 22, 2022, from https://www.altaloma.com/the-link-between-depression-and-a-messy-room/

Messy Room: Depression & Teenagers. (2022, July 25). Newport Academy. Retrieved August 22, 2022, from https://www.newportacademy.com/resources/well-being/messy-room-depression/

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