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If you’ve been struggling with depression for a while or are now experiencing it, saying prayers for depression may be an effective medicine to heal your soul. Depression Open Talks has collected the most healing prayers to deal with depression with the help of God.

Healing Prayers for Depression.
Healing Prayers For Depression

While you may feel like you’re the only one in this deep, dark valley, God urges us to entrust our worries to him. He’s right there with us, no matter how risky the path.

When you’re overwhelmed by worrying thoughts or don’t want to spend another second in this darkness alone, utilize these healing prayers for anxiety and sadness to regain your power. Choose a blessing from the list below, or play one of the guided prayer meditations, and let us pray for your healing together.

Prayer To Be Anxious For Nothing

Lord, You have told us in Your Word to be anxious for nothing, and I know in my heart that I am anxious about a lot of things. And what is worse, I pretend to others that I am not worried, when in fact I am anxious about everything. I know such striving is not Your will for my life and I pray Lord, that You will show me how I may live my life resting on Your promises of peace and rest.

You said in Your Word not to be anxious, but to pray instead about everything and to talk to You about what I need. You told me also to have a thankful heart for all that You have done in my life. Lord, I am coming to You this very moment to tell You that I long to stop being so anxious and to ask that in Your grace You would keep me from all anxious thoughts, and give me Your peace that passes understanding.

I also pray that You will help me to keep my mind fixed on Jesus, so that when any anxious imaginings start to surface in my mind, I may immediately turn my thoughts onto You, and thank You for all that You have done for me, and for the many promises that are all Yes and Amen in Jesus Christ.

Thank You, that You are a God who listens to our heart cry and answers our prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

“Be careful with nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”

Prayers For Healing Loneliness

I come to You Heavenly Father, in a time of great loneliness and pain, and pray for Your healing touch upon my life and the sufficient grace to face each day.

I ask for Your comfort and peace, especially during those moments of intense loneliness when I feel so incredibly alone and helpless. I long for just one person to show a little love and care, and yet the people that I know are too busy with their own lives to notice the intense pain that I am going through. Help me not to be bitter by their lack of love, but rather use it I pray, to mold me into the person that I know You want me to be.

Thank You, Lord, that no matter who forsakes me or displays disinterest in my life, You are a faithful and ever-present friend, Who has promised never to leave me nor forsake me, and that no matter what difficulties or problems I may face, You are always there to love and to care, and to support with Your sufficient grace.

Touch the hearts of all those who like me, are facing loneliness. Comfort all our hearts. Give us the joy of Your salvation and help us all to look to Jesus during those times of loneliness. And I pray that You would help us to grow in grace, so that we may be enabled to show comfort and succor to others who are facing times of great loneliness and pain. This I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For Deep Emotional Healing

Gracious Lord, You know me better than I know myself and I need Your healing touch on my life today. You know all about the emotional pain that I have been going through, and oh Lord, I need You to come into my heart and bind up the brokenness within me. I feel that I have been battered and bruised emotionally and am almost gasping for breath, due to the pain that has been stabbing my heart.

Lord, You know that I have no one in whom I can confide because no one understands the searing wounds that have shattered inside me and the deep anguish I am going through. Oh Lord, I come to You to heal my emotions, heal my wounded heart I pray. Heal the anguish that is deep inside.

Lord, flood every corner of my being with Your soothing balm and Your healing love, and root out all the negative emotions that are bubbling inside me, like a smoldering volcano. Release into the aching void within, Your love and Your peace, Your hope, and Your gracious presence, and gently carry me as a kindly Shepherd would carry a frightened, little wounded lamb. Lord, I am trusting in You, because I know that You alone can be trusted.


A Prayer for the Dark Places

Heavenly Father, You alone are my secret keeper and know the darkest places within my heart. Lord, I am in the pit of depression. I feel tired, overwhelmed, and unworthy of Your love. Help me to truly surrender the things that keep me imprisoned inside my heart. Replace my struggle with Your joy.

 I want my joy back. I want to stand beside You and celebrate this life that You have paid so dearly to give me. Thank you, Lord. You truly are the greatest gift of all. Consume me in Your joy, for I believe that the Joy of YOU Father, is where my strength is found. Thank You, Lord … In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

A Prayer To Overcome Sleep Disorder

Heavenly Father, You know that I suffer from an ongoing sleep disorder and it does not seem to be improving at all. I come to You humbly, to ask that You would look down in pity on my situation and grant me the healing and strength I need to get a good night’s sleep.

Lord, I find myself going to bed and worrying that I will not get to sleep and it turns into a vicious circle and so I ask that You would quiet my mind, still my heart, and comfort my soul.

Father, I do not know what to do but You have said that we are to cast all our troubles and problems on You and so tonight, I cast all my cares upon You and pray that You would do a work in me to enable me to overcome this unpleasant sleep disorder, and I will give You all the praise and glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

A Prayer for Help To Carry The Burdens Of Life

Loving Father, I need You in my life because it is so full of stress and problems at the moment, and I am incapable of sorting them out by myself. Please help me, Father.

Things have piled up more and more over the last few months and I don’t know what to do. But I do know that You told us to come to You if we are burdened and heavy laden and You will give us rest. I come to You now. I come to You, Jesus, and ask You to carry every single difficulty in my life, for they are becoming too burdensome for me to carry alone.

Thank You that You will never leave us or forsake us and that You have promised to be with us in all circumstances of life. Thank You, Lord, Amen.

A Prayer To Overcome “Holiday Blues”

Dear God, I seem to get what I can only describe as, “Holiday Blues”, when I know that my holiday is getting closer, and it causes me to become quite stressed, agitated, weary, and depressed. Lord, I truly want to overcome this unpleasant feeling effectively and permanently and pray that in Your grace, You would show me what I need to do to triumph over it for all time.

Lord, there have been many people who have kindly tried to suggest solutions, but I know in my heart that only You have the right answer for my ‘holiday blues’, and I pray that You would show me what I need to do to be rid of it forever.

Lord, into Your hand I place this problem, which is becoming such a big disadvantage in my life, and ask You to guide me to the right solution. Lord, if there is anything in my life that needs to be addressed before this inner conflict can be resolved, or if there is anything in me that is preventing me from being set free from this debilitating ‘holiday blues,’ I pray that You would graciously work in me, so that I may begin to look forward with excitement to my holiday, instead of dread. In Jesus’ name,


A Prayer To Overcome Today’s Difficulties

Father God, I know that the life path I am treading is fraught with difficulties and problems, but Lord I trust You to lead and guide me through the maze of life, because You have promised to be with me to lead and to guide, to strengthen, and to help.

Let me never lose sight of who I am in Christ and help me to trust You in all things, knowing that I am Your child and that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

Thank You, that You are my Shepherd Who has promised to lead and to guide, to protect and to uphold. Thank You, that you are my Defence and my Defender and that You have promised to be my ever-present help in those times of unexpected difficulties and trials.

Thank You, Lord, that You remain faithful and dependable, even when I stray from the path that You have graciously laid out for me. May I never forget that You are my firm Anchor and the steady Rock upon which I stand and that no difficulty in life is too great that You cannot overcome? Thank You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

A Prayer On Overcoming Bitterness

Father, I confess that my life has become filled with bitterness and the thoughts that so often have been flooding my mind are like toxic poisons that eat into my very being. Lord, I know that this excludes me from any form of right thinking. I have found it so difficult to understand why my prayers seem to be ignored when the circumstances of my life have become so burdensome and heavy.

Father, I confess that the difficulties that seem to have hit me all at one time have caused self-pity to flood my soul and a root of bitterness against You has even started to grow within my heart, which has frankly shocked me. I realize that I am the only one that is being damaged by this destructive attitude and pray that in Your mercy, You would change my heart back to one that trusts You, instead of one that doubts Your goodness.

Help me, Lord. I come to You humbled in heart and seeking You to change my focus from an obsession with myself and my problems to a correct Christian focus on Jesus and all that He has done for me. Lift me out of this pit of bitterness that I have dug for myself, and renew a right spirit within me I pray. Cleanse me I pray, and give me the grace to turn back to You with a heart that truly trusts and depends on You. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

A Prayer for Overwhelming Situations

Dear Jesus, Thank You for loving us so unconditionally. Today my heart seems heavy and I’m struggling with believing that I have a purpose. I’m feeling overwhelmed to the point where I feel as if I’m shutting down.

Jesus, I ask that You would strengthen me where I feel weak. Whispering words of confidence and courage deep into my soul. Enable me to do what You have called me to do. Show me the beauty within this struggle that You see. Show me Your Heart and Your Purposes. Open my eyes to see the beauty within this struggle. Give me the ability to surrender the struggle completely to You and trust You with the outcome.

A Prayer to Calm Your Mind

God, my mind is not always a peaceful place. I’m distracted and busy with so many things. Sometimes I act as if I can save myself if I just work hard enough and remember all the right things. Help me instead to trust in you for my salvation, and to replace my worries with your peace. 

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A Prayer for Getting Out of Depression

“Lord, it seems as if my world has collapsed, hurling me into a deep, dark pit. I come to you in complete surrender. I am desperate for you, helpless and afraid. Please lift me out of this pit and show me the way, Lord.   In Jesus’ name, Amen” – Mary Southerland, and help me to bring your peace to others as I trust in you. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

A Prayer for the Will to Live

I often feel out of place in this world. I don’t fit in and I’m not sure I want to. Remind me that this world is not my home and while, as your child, I will never fit in here, my time here isn’t over. Not yet. Please, give me the desire to live. When I feel like I don’t matter, remind me that I was created with a purpose. When I don’t know or understand why I feel the way I feel – remind me that you know the depth of pain in my heart, in my body, and my being. You know me better than I know myself… and yet you still love me. 

A Prayer To Maintain Trust And Hope

Dear Father, it is not always easy to think positively when we are surrounded by trials and tribulations and when our bodies are racked with arthritic pain. But I trust in Your unfailing love and grace and ask that You would be with me today, and help me to rejoice in the Lord always, knowing that You are my God and Saviour, Who died so that I might have life everlasting.

Keep me looking to Jesus, and trusting in His strength and grace to overcome any pain. When I consider that I once was lost but now am found, I bless You that my salvation is secure and I have a home and inheritance, kept for me in heavenly places.

A Prayer for Renewed Strength

Lord Jesus, please renew my mind, so that I may think the holy and good thoughts of a redeemed child. Please secure the helmet of salvation upon me so I am never without protection. I now put on the breastplate of righteousness. 

Holy Spirit, come and fill me now. Give me strength for the battle and endurance to seek your will. Graciously release your gifts of faith, hope, love, discernment, and praise. Help me to pick up the sword of the Spirit to cut down and clear away all that is not of you. Keep me rooted in your living Word that is sharper than a two-edged sword against my enemy. In Jesus, the Messiah’s name, I pray. Amen.

A Prayer to Redeem Your Grief

Lord, we long to have new selves. We long to put away our old selves that are full of doubt, fear, and disillusionment. We long to put on the fruit of your Spirit, which is full of love, joy, and peace. We know we can’t do this by sheer willpower, but instead need the power of your Holy Spirit to guide, direct, and transform us. We long for that and pray for it confidently. In Jesus’ name, amen

A Prayer for My Spouse Who Lives with Depression

God, in Your mercy, hear my prayer. My spouse (or significant other) lives with depression, and I don’t know what to do. I feel powerless and inadequate to help. This is frustrating because it can be so unpredictable. Help me find the resources that I need to be with my spouse (or significant other) during these times of pain. In Christ’s name, Amen.

A Prayer For Those Facing Loss Of A Loved One

Loving Father, I bring those to You who are facing the loss of a loved one today, and I pray Your special grace and comfort to all who are grieving at this time.

You are the great God of comfort and I pray that You would reach out Your arm of love and draw all who are having to face a life on their own, a life without their loved one, to Yourself.

I pray that Your Holy Spirit would comfort all those that trust in Jesus as their Saviour, knowing that we will one day meet again with loved ones who die in the Lord, but I also pray for those that do not know You and pray that at this time of sadness You would draw especially close to them. Give them the love and comfort that only comes from You and bring them into saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Healing Prayers for Depression: Key Takeaway

Take a moment to pause what you’re doing right now and start any of the above meditations if you suffer from anxiety or despair.

While we sincerely hope that these prayers and quotes for depression may aid in your recovery from anxiety and depression, we also understand that there are times when our issues are too enormous for us to handle on our own. A therapist who shares your Christian views could be able to provide you with mental, emotional, and spiritual support.


Obie, B. (n.d.). 5 Prayers for Depression. Guideposts. Retrieved November 18, 2022, from https://guideposts.org/positive-living/health-and-wellness/coping-with-illness/5-prayers-for-depression/

6 Healing Prayers for Anxiety and Depression – Abide. (2021, May 27). Abide. Retrieved November 18, 2022, from https://abide.co/blog/6-healing-prayers-for-anxiety-and-depression/

Smith, G. (2022, May 4). 8 Prayers for Depression (+Scriptures to Ease Anxiety). Crosswalk.com. Retrieved November 18, 2022, from https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/prayer/a-prayer-for-when-you-battle-depression.html

10 Prayers for Depression When the Darkness is Overwhelming. (n.d.). Bible Study Tools. Retrieved November 18, 2022, from https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/healing-prayers-for-depression-when-the-darkness-is-overwhelming.html

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